Your ideal company might not have any roles that match your skills or experience, so make sure you are open-minded about your job search and apply for roles that might not be at your dream company or in your ideal industry. Just make sure that the role will give you the transferable skills you need for your future dream roles. Think of your first job as a stepping stone. During this time you want to focus on a role that you’ll gain new skills, build your network, learn what you like doing and most importantly get paid.
For more advice on how to job hunt during Covid-19 check out rest of our blog post
Make sure you ask for help when you need it! Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it shows strength and character. When asking just remember that no one got to where they are today without some help along on the way.
There can be no second chance when it comes to making a great first impression. It only takes people a few seconds to form their opinion and this opinion usually sticks. So when it comes to an interview, you need to make sure you put your best step forward.